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plough through中文是什么意思

用"plough through"造句"plough through"怎么读"plough through" in a sentence


  • 费劲地阅读
  • 破浪航行
  • 驶过
  • "plough"中文翻译    n. 1. 犁;犁形器具;排雪机;【矿物】煤犁,刨煤机; ...
  • "through"中文翻译     The river flows throug ...
  • "plough" 中文翻译 :    n. 1. 犁;犁形器具;排雪机;【矿物】煤犁,刨煤机;【建筑】路犁;(木工用的)沟刨;【印刷】手动式切书机。 2.耕作,农业;耕地。 3.〔the P-〕【天文学】北斗七星。 4.〔英俚〕(主考人评定)不及格。 a two-wheeled double-share plough 双轮双铧犁。 a cable-towed plough 绳索牵引犁。 be at the plough 在种田。 beat [follow, hold] the plough 种田。 go to one's plough 作自己的事。 look back from the plough 中止,停止。 put [lay, set] one's hand to the plough 开始工作。 take a plough 〔英口〕不及格。 under the plough 在耕作下。 vt. 1. 犁,耕;开(沟),作(畦);【木工】挖沟(槽)。 2. 使(额头)起皱。 3. 开(路);破(浪)前进。 4. 〔英口〕使不及格。 5. 投(资)。 a face ploughed with wrinkles 起皱的脸。 vi. 1.犁;耕;(土地)适于耕种。 2.开路;分开积雪等前进 (through) 钻研。 3.刻苦前进 (through)。 4.〔英口〕考试不及格。 The land ploughs hard after the drought. 旱后田难犁。 be ploughed 考不及格。 plough a lonely furrow = plough one's furrow alone (脱离组织)单独行动;过孤独生活,离群索居。 plough around 〔美口〕试探,打探。 plough back 把(草等)犁入土中;把(利润)再投资。 plough down 犁倒。 plough into 奋力投入(工作)。 plough in [into] the land 犁进去。 plough one's way 奋力前进。 plough the sand(s) [air] 白费气力。 plough the waves 破浪前进。 plough under 使消失;埋葬掉。 plough up 犁翻,掘翻。 plough with sb.'s heifer [ox] 1. 利用别人的牛给自己耕地。 2. 利用他人资财。
  • "plough in" 中文翻译 :    把...犁入土中; 内翻
  • "plough into" 中文翻译 :    碰上; 投入; 撞上; 着手进行
  • "to plough" 中文翻译 :    犁,耕
  • "are-through" 中文翻译 :    弧贯
  • "as through" 中文翻译 :    好像
  • "be through" 中文翻译 :    结束, 友谊破裂; 经历; 完成,结束
  • "be through with" 中文翻译 :    结束了,断绝了; 完成, 弃绝
  • "through" 中文翻译 :     The river flows through the city. 这条河贯穿这个城。 May I through you ask the delegate of ... to ... 可否通过你代为请求某代表…。 The sun breaks through the clouds. 日光从云缝中穿漏出来。 through the winter 整个冬天,一冬。 through life 一生中,毕生。 through long years 长年间。 be famous through the world 闻名全世界。 go through an operation 做完手术。 go through college 修完大学课程。 pass through crisis [tribulation] 度过危机[历尽千辛万苦]。 through carelessness 由于疏忽。 to fulfill the task through your help 完成任务多亏你帮忙。 be on display through April 30 展览至四月三十日截止。 be through one's task 做完工作[课题]。 see through a brick wall [a millstone] 能透过一道砖墙看见;〔转义〕眼光敏锐(One can't see through a brick wall. 不可能的事情就是不可能)。 through all ages 永远。 through the cabin window (海军军官)靠人情升官。 through the hawse-pipe 水兵升成军官。 through thick and thin 遍历艰苦。 unity through struggle 以奋斗求团结。 副词 1. 穿过,通过,经历;从头到尾,完全,全部;到最后,到底,彻底;透;完毕。 2. 出来。 pierce a thing through 刺穿一件东西。 come through 〔美俚〕取得成功;取胜。 all the night through 通宵,彻夜。 read the book through 将书看完。 This train goes through to New York. 这一列车直达纽约。 Is he through 〔口语〕他(考试)及格了吗? I am through now. 〔口语〕我已经做好了。 The enemy is trying to break through. 敌人企图突围。 all through 一直,从来就。 be through with 〔口语〕做好(工作等);和…绝交;和…分手(I am through with that fellow. 我和那个家伙断绝关系了)。 through and through 完完全全;彻头彻尾(wet through and through 浑身湿透)。 adj. 1.直通的,直达的。 2.(道路)可以通行的。 3.穿过的,有洞的。 4.〔英国〕(电话)接通;〔美国〕通话完毕。 a through street 直通街道,干道。 through transport by land and water 水陆联运。 a through ticket 联运票,全程票。 a through train 直达车。 Jack's trousers are through at the knees. 杰克的裤子膝盖处破了洞了。 You are through. 你要的电话接通了。 He is almost through. 他的电话快打完了。
  • "through to" 中文翻译 :    直到
  • "through and through" 中文翻译 :    从头到尾地; 从头至尾地; 反复; 完全, 彻底; 完全地,充分地
  • "through-=through" 中文翻译 :    同词异形
  • "activated plough" 中文翻译 :    动力刨煤机
  • "alternative plough" 中文翻译 :    双向犁
  • "ancient plough" 中文翻译 :    耒名
  • "balance plough" 中文翻译 :    均衡犁; 平[均]衡犁; 平衡犁
  • "ballasting plough" 中文翻译 :    平碴犁
  • "beat the plough" 中文翻译 :    种田, 从事农业
  • "blackland plough" 中文翻译 :    重粘土地用犁
  • "blade plough" 中文翻译 :    铧犁
  • "breast of plough" 中文翻译 :    犁胸
  • "brush plough" 中文翻译 :    铲掘机重型犁; 灌木犁; 牵式除荆机; 牵引式除荆机
  • "bulldozing plough" 中文翻译 :    推土犁


  • The ship ploughed through the waves .
  • The ploughed through the sands in spite of the storm
  • We ' ve ploughed through all the documents that can possibly have a bearing on your case
  • We have ploughed through all the documents that can possibly have a bearing on your case
  • Once or twice he would have ploughed through the rear fence if it had not been for the hand and word of his companion
  • Great 10 , 000 - ton vessels carrying cars , computers , coal and steel to the export markets of the world are already ploughing through the three green gorges of qutang , wu and xiling , celebrated by poets and painters in the tang dynasty
  • Topping the list of unfinishable fiction is " vernon god little " by dbc pierre , which 35 percent said they could not plough through , followed by rowling ' s " harry potter and the goblet of fire " at two 32 percent
    名列小说类“最难读完书籍”排行榜之首的是dbc皮埃尔创作的小说的受访者说他们无法读完这本书位居其后的是罗琳的哈利波特和火焰杯32 % 。
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